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Understanding the value of practicing effective self-care to engender a wellness lifestyle is critical for individuals in health care settings.  The dimensions of wellness include social, physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual.  To lead a life imbued with meaning and purpose, one must pursue activities that promote and maintain healthy engagement and balance in the domains of life.  To live fully and authentically, self-awareness must be generated to design a personal a wellness plan to navigate the undesired changes and challenges inherent in being a competent, compassionate and empathic health care provider.  We live in a society where we’re expected to work long hours, volunteer for projects, not vacation, be productive and chase promotions, neglect domains of our lives and operate from an urgency driven paradigm of maximizing productivity. Pursuing this life philosophy ultimately prevents us from engaging in opportunities for self-care and it compromises our health.


Self-care is defined as a multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being. It is vital for building resilience toward stressors in life that can’t be eliminated.  Initiating a program to care for your mind and body will lead to a more meaningful life and not leave you feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and ill-equipped to handle life's inevitable challenges.  Thus, it is important to assess how you're caring for yourself in several different domains of your life to ensure you are caring for your mind, body, and spirit.


Self-Care begins with you asking the questions that matter the most to your life and includes engaging in activities that matter the most to your life; that bring you lasting spiritual, social, emotional and physical happiness. It requires making an investment in YOU; a deep and personal commitment to operating as a whole, integrated you where all of your needs are met.  It is a conscious act you take to promote your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health.  Once you feel whole you will imbue your work and life with meaning and purpose.


Length of Training: Three Hours


Learning Objectives



  • Understanding why self-care matters; learning to ask the questions that matter the most about your life

  • Creating a self-care plan that integrates the following domains of your life: spiritual, emotional, physical and social

  • Learn how to incorporate leisure skills into your life and how to create genuine, enduring happiness

  • Learn how to balance life-work in our hurried, urgency driven society

  • Understanding why you are entitled to positive emotions

  • Appreciating the physiology of the stress response and how it can contribute to stress disorders, anxiety and cardiovascular disease
















Why Self-Care Matters: I Deserve to Feel Great About My Life
Friends Working Out
Girls Running Group
Image by Paulius Dragunas
Your Vision is the Distance You Need to Cover 
Dr. Levy offers training on:
Elijah Levy, Ph.D.  
For a no fee consultation, email me here or call me at (562) 230-3334
Dr. Elijah Levy
Reading a Braille with Doctor
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